Opportunities to Have Your Say

The Consultation Process

As well as open public engagement, our consultation team have been busy undertaking targeted engagement with key community stakeholders including neighbouring residents. This engagement began in June and will continue throughout the concept design process.

This will include:

  • Sessions in schools to gain input from youth and teens
  • Regular meetings of the Community Advisory Panel and Youth Advisory Panel
  • Meetings with key cultural stakeholders including representatives of the library, art gallery and visitor information centre.

The Design Process

The design team will be working hard over the next 6 months and beyond on designs for the Cultural Centre facilities and the Thomas Jack Park Precinct Masterplan. Their process will run as follows:

Stage 1 - Listening

Over the course of July and August, the architect team met with the community and our Advisory Panels to gain your insights into what you need and want from the future precinct.

Stage 2 - Brief

The results of the community engagement shaped a brief for the architects - one which not only detailed the essential requirements for facilities, space, access and amenities but informed their thinking around materiality, built form and user experience.

Stage 3 - Concept design

Based on the community-informed brief, the architects have developed a draft concept design. This is high-level concept of what the future precinct could look like - guidelines for how it interacts with the existing environment, connects to wider Dalby and where and how the building footprints sit in the park. Community are currently invited to provide feedback on the draft concept design for Thomas Jack Park Precinct.

Stage 4 - Detailed design

Once the concept design has been reviewed and approved, the architect team will progress into detailed design. This will include construction details, methods, materials and aesthetic detail.