
Tara Showgrounds are located on Showgrounds Road neighbouring the beautiful Tara Lagoon Camping Area.

The Showgrounds are home to the Annual Show every March, the Tara Festival of Culture and Camel races every two years in August, Polocross, Tara Races, Campdraft, Senior Cricket and Easter Sheepdog Trials.

There are opportunities to bring new and exciting events to Tara to support the local economy and community, and ensure long term success through site infrastructure needs and upgrades.

We want to hear your thoughts on how you currently use the Tara Showgrounds and what should be considered for the new master plan.

Where are we now

Consultation with key stakeholders (regular user groups and hirers) occurred through a survey and in-person meetings in April. Broader community consultation will take place later in the year.

Regular user groups and hirers are invited to complete the survey and will be contacted directly.

If you would like to complete the survey as a user or hirer or would like to request a paper version, contact or call 1800 100 204.