About the plan

The Western Downs Biosecurity Plan identifies the pest animals and weeds that pose a threat or potential threat in our region.

The plan is also designed to identify resources necessary for effective and timely management of these pests and provide management strategies.

Two wild dogs at a trough.

Why the review?

Council's Rural Services team is completing a review of the Biosecurity Plan to evaluate its success in managing weeds and pest animals across the Western Downs, and identify any gaps or weaknesses in the existing strategies.

Environmental conditions and land use patterns are continually changing due to factors like climate change and urban development, which can influence the behavior and spread of invasive species. Additionally, advancements in technology offer new tools for detection and control, which need to be integrated into the plan.

Updating the biosecurity plan is also crucial to align with recent regulatory changes and best practices, ensuring that local strategies are robust and compliant.

Incorporating feedback from the community and stakeholders can help tailor the plan to address specific local concerns, while optimised resource allocation can enhance the efficiency of biosecurity measures.

Overall, a thorough review will strengthen the plan, better protecting the local environment, agriculture, and economy from the adverse impacts of invasive species.

Have Your Say

In 2024 council has undertaken a review of the Biosecurity Plan to understand the threats in our region and how best to tackle them and to do so we are seeking input from landowners and stakeholders. This is a chance to Have Your Say and share your knowledge, closing 12 July 2024.

Take the survey

Add your input into the Biosecurity Plan Review